
Main organizers

Dalibor Blazek


Kamil Paruch


Gabriela Pavlikova


Great thanks belong to

Anna and Kim Nasmyth, Gustav Ammerer, prof. Jan Motlik and prof. Jirina Relichova for initiating, supporting and co-organizing the Mendel Lectures series.

Scientific Advisory Board

Simon Boulton

Royal Society Wolfson Merit Award Holder Cancer Research UK, Clare Hall Laboratories, South Mimms, UK

Aaron Ciechanover

Nobel prize winner 2004

Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

Lumir Krejci

Masaryk University, Czech Republic

Kim Nasmyth

University of Oxford, UK

Petr Svoboda

Institute of Molecular Genetics of the ASCR, v. v. i. Prague, Czech Republic

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